What is glossophobia? Or the fear of public speaking? How many people suffer from the fear of public speaking? How has public speaking changed after COVID-19? In this article, I discuss the answers to these and 48 shocking fear of public speaking statistics in 2020. Additionally, we will also share some highly effective tools to get rid of glossophobia. If you have this fear like most of us, I highly recommend reading the post till the end.
Communication and COVID-19
How Communication Has Changed
Since the arrival of COVID-19, communication in both workspaces and academia alike has shifted from in-person to online. However, public speaking anxiety still remains prevalent, if not only gets worse. According to Alison Papadakis, director of clinical psychological studies at Johns Hopkins University, video chat creates friction in social situations. This leads to a heightened fear of public speaking.
Why Video Chat Makes Speaking Scary
Video chat makes it difficult to interpret nonverbal body language, like gestures and important verbal communication cues. This is so pervasive that experts have coined it as Zoom Performance Anxiety. You might have experienced this in a meeting or class where you are asked to unmute yourself and answer a question. Suddenly, you are aware of all the eyes watching you and break out in a nervous sweat. Now, in the age of digital communication, we are forced to adapt to unprecedented changes and challenges that come with the shift to remote work and learning.
It’s no secret that public speaking skills are imperative to any good student or worker. Some fear of public speaking statistics show that it impairs wages and promotion to management by 10% and 15%, respectively. Furthermore, only 8% of those who fear public speaking seek professional help despite the documented negative impact on their career and wages.
But you don’t need to worry. Public speaking is a learnable skill. If you want to improve your speaking skills, you can skip to the last section of this article, where we share resources that can help you.
What is Glossophobia?
What is the meaning of glossophobia? Formally, the term meaning the fear of public speaking is called “glossophobia” and is commonly found in people who have social anxiety. Some common symptoms include sweating, accelerated heart rate, trembling, shaking, dizziness, and nausea. In addition, many say that it is similar to “stage fright” or our flight or fight response. According to Colin Clifford, a psychologist at the University of Sydney’s Vision Center, a “direct gaze can signal dominance or a threat”. This is because the human species has evolved to be hyper-sensitive to gaze to survive.
Fear of Public Speaking Statistics
The fear of public speaking is more common than you think—you don’t have to feel ashamed. People of all ages and occupations struggle with public speaking—77% of the US population feels anxious about public speaking. Just to show you how widespread public speaking fears are, here are 48 fear of public speaking statistics you should know about!

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What breathing techniques can help reduce nervousness or anxiety before speaking in public?
Deep, slow breaths can calm nerves before public speaking. Inhale slowly while counting, then exhale controllably. Repeat to regulate adrenaline, lower your heart rate, and ease anxiety. Focus on your breath and mindful patterns to manage nervousness and boost confidence.
How can I use visualization to calm my nerves before going on stage?
Feeling pre-stage jitters? Visualize! Picture your calming, happy place. Replay this mental sanctuary in your mind to ease anxiety and boost confidence. This practice helps focus your mind and allows you to shine on stage.
What exercises can help me relax and center myself?
Feeling stressed? Try these quick relaxation techniques: tense and release muscles, visualize a calming place, breathe deeply, meditate on your breath, or try gentle movements like yoga or tai chi. These practices can help you unwind and find inner peace.
How can I learn to relax before a stressful situation like public speaking?
Feeling stressed before a big event? Lie down, close your eyes, tense, and release different muscle groups. Focus on your breath. Then, visualize a calming place, picturing its sights, sounds, and smells. This mental escape can become your sanctuary to combat anxiety, and with practice, bring relaxation whenever needed.
Why do some individuals with glossophobia perform effectively on stage when they perceive themselves as portraying a character rather than themselves?
Stage fright? Try playing a role! Distancing yourself through a persona can ease anxiety. Focus on the character, not yourself, and channel your emotions into the performance. Being part of a group like a band also offers support and reduces isolation, boosting your ability to shine on stage.
What exercises and techniques can individuals use to relax, control their breathing, and calm their nerves before speaking in public?
This article explores techniques to relax, control your breathing, and calm your nerves before public speaking. It also shares tools to combat glossophobia (fear of public speaking). If you struggle with this fear, it offers valuable insights for overcoming it and improving your public speaking skills.
Getting Rid of Your Fear of Public Speaking
Now that you’ve seen the fears of public speaking statistics 2020, here are some resources you can use to improve. Firstly, you can use the Orai app to eliminate this common fear efficiently. Open the Orai app on the web or your phone to practice before your presentations, speeches, or interviews. Orai is an app that uses AI to help alleviate the cost of fear of public speaking and serves as a personal speech assistant that you can use anytime, anywhere. Here’s more information about how it works.
You can also check out this article about alleviating conference call anxiety. Here are some tips to improve your public speaking skills from Majorie North, a Harvard University Extension School professor. As seen in the infographic, research shows spending on treating anxiety disorders and phobias is 47 billion dollars per year. That’s a lot of money to invest in professional help.