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20 Unique Elevator Speech For Every Situation

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elevator speech

A speech is a form of communication that conveys information to an audience. It is one of the most important and highly valued forms of communication in human society.

Speech has been used throughout history for various purposes, such as social interaction, education, and entertainment. However, we’ve recently learned how to use it daily.

In this blog, we will discuss the exact details of how to write a great elevator speech. Plus, we will give you ample material on what types of speeches are great for each situation you might be in. If you write your pitch, you’ll find some spectacular elevator speech examples here.

Getting Ready: What is an Elevator Speech?

An elevator speech lets you provide a fast rundown of who you are and what you do. A pitch might be an opportunity to make a genuine relationship with an audience member that you can use in the future. There may not be an immediate advantage, but you should be ready to make an elevator pitch at any time.

In truth, whether they know it or not, most individuals have done an elevator pitch. As a result, pitches come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from job interviews to brand-new company prospects. Preparing for your next pitch is an important part of marketing yourself and your business. You can do it by scanning through elevator speech examples.

Furthermore, an elevator speech is essential because:

  • It doesn’t make your listeners yawn.
  • Organize your thoughts briefly.
  • It helps to identify your market.

When to use elevator speech depends on the audience you are speaking to. For those who have been out of school for a while, you might want to use it for the introduction. There are also elevator speech examples for students that may vary.

When to Use How to Use
Job Interviews Interviewers often inquire about your background, so be prepared for this. You may briefly utilize your elevator speech to overview your professional background and experience.
Owning a business You may use your elevator pitch examples to present your business at a trade show or other event where entrepreneurs gather.
LinkedIn Profile Provide elevator speech examples in your LinkedIn profile to help your network understand who you are and what you do.

Steps on How to Make an Elevator Speech

Separating key information from less significant information is necessary to make a good elevator speech. Hence, being able to communicate successfully at work is critical.

The solid elevator speech examples have many key components you must grasp before developing your own.

1. Introduce Yourself

The best pitches always begin with a brief introduction. It might be as basic as saying your name and employer if applicable. 

As with eye contact, body language is vital to a strong introduction. Here are a few pointers for your pitch while meeting a new client or customer:

  • Make a good first impression by greeting your audience appropriately for the situation.
  • Consider dressing formally for an important business meeting or casually for a pleasant get-together.
  • You’ll have to think outside the box for the video chat introductions for virtual meetings and networking events.

2. Describe What You Do

If the issue draws the audience in, then the solution will keep them interested. It is your opportunity to demonstrate why you’re the best person to assist them. Spend time honing your solution since it is the most crucial component of your elevator pitch.

3. Provide Your Value Position

Having gotten your audience interested, you need to close the offer. Describe how your answer is superior to everyone else’s.

4. Engage Your Audience With a Question

Before you go, leave your audience engaged by offering praise or asking a question. Always err on the side of sincerity instead of saying goodbye in a prepared manner.

Nail your Elevator Speech, practice with Orai

How to Write an Elevator Speech?

1. Identify the Needs

Your elevator speech should have a great beginning, but you must first determine what need your business is trying to fill. Why should your audience, customers, and future consumers choose you above the competition?

2. Determine Your Target Audience

As previously said, recognizing the issue you can address for your readers and clients is the first stage. However, the second step is identifying who those people are.

3. Straight to the Point

It’s okay to be creative while drafting your elevator speech, but don’t be too brilliant that people don’t understand! You should be able to give your elevator pitch when it takes to travel the elevator.

4. Be Memorable

In your elevator speech, you may utilize humor, paint a mental image, and be animated. Be careful not to oversell your abilities or yourself.

5. Dig Deeper

Provide yourself the space and time to further identify your target audience’s problems. Then, identify how you’re going to solve them.

General Elevator Speech Examples

Start building your speech using our elevator speech template, and then add facts and customized greetings as required. This template contains all four components to ensure that your elevator pitch hits all the right notes.

Introduction “Hello, my name is [name], and I am in a [position] at [business name]. It’s such a pleasure to meet you!”
Problem “Given that you work for [business name or industry], I believe you’d be interested in learning about [issue + noteworthy statistics].”
Solution “The wonderful thing about working at [your company’s name] is that we’ve been able to resolve precisely that issue with [solution].”
Value Proposition “In reality, we are the exclusive provider of [value proposition].”
Call To Action “I believe our solution might be beneficial to you. Are you available to discuss this further this week?”

30-Second Elevator Speech Examples

Template 1: Sweet and Short

It is a regular occurrence. That is not to say it is the finest, but it is an excellent elevator speech example of a fast and simple pitch that works in virtually every setting. 

When developing this elevator pitch, make it as brief and concise as possible. Consistently adhere to the 30-second or fewer guidelines since the aim is to be brief and honest.

“The issue is that work is chaotic regardless of industry or skill level. However, effective project management software may assist in increasing productivity and communication. In years, I haven’t missed a deadline. If you’re interested in learning how it may benefit your team, call me, and I’ll go over some stats.”

Template 2: Be Relatable

When you want to get your audience’s attention, use a personal narrative they can identify with. If you want to sell anything, you need to make a personal connection with the customer first.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you at long last. What is the current state of the company? Communication has been a problem for you recently. That was a problem for both my team and myself. After using project management software, our cooperation and communication significantly improved. That’s great that you’ve found a solution that works for you and your group.”

Template 3: Knowledgeable With Stats

Start your pitch with a bang by revealing eye-catching facts. You must have concrete data to back up your stats before throwing a pitch to verify their correctness. An effective statistics presentation concludes with a connection between how your solution may help address the problem.

“Despite greater distance connections, 60% of employees’ time is spent on work coordination, 26% on specialized work, and 14% on strategy. Did you? It’s reasonable that organizations need help managing projects. Using project management technologies may save coordination time and boost skilled work.”

Template 4: Savvy With Questions

This example employs the use of questions to help your audience understand your pitch. Because the audience is involved, they are forced to participate rather than merely listen. Start and conclude your speech with a thought-provoking question that will linger in the minds of your listeners.

“Have you ever felt like you’re working too hard? I’ve heard similar complaints from numerous people. I’d work hard days and nights to catch up. But do you know anything? Our project management software has increased my productivity. “When did you last do anything like this?”

Template 5: Humorous Approach

The audience will be more receptive if your elevator speech is lighthearted. Use a GIF or a short amusing video between slides to lighten the atmosphere. Consider the occasion and tone of your organization before utilizing this elevator speech example.

“Most people can only pay attentively for around eight seconds before losing interest. That’s not enough morning time to place my coffee order. That might explain why my barista consistently makes mistakes. But in all seriousness, I believe it is why many businesses have difficulty meeting deadlines.”

Template 6: Storyteller

Use real-life examples from customers or your life experience to engage your audience. This is extremely useful if your subject is difficult to describe in 30 seconds or less.

“One of our customers switched to a remote workforce and needed assistance meeting deadlines. Their productivity increased by up to 10% after working with us so that they could spend more time on higher-value tasks like strategic planning.”

Template 7: Driven With Emotions

If you can make your pitch emotionally charged, you’ll have a higher chance of winning over your audience. To avoid the talk from devolving into anything depressing, maintain your emotions on the positive side.

“While it may seem to be another tool at first glance, closer inspection reveals that it aids team collaboration. Not only that, but it also aids in forming cohesive teams that look forward to working on new projects. That’s difficult to come by, yet everyone wants it.”

Template 8: Ending With Surprise

Good elevator speech examples have surprising conclusions and creatively display how beneficial the products are. You’re compelled to weigh your existing circumstances against a better one.

“You’re curious about the conversion rate of leads generated by your webinar campaign vs. your trade show booth. However, it applies only to consumers who purchased two or more items and were not previously in your database. You’d already be aware if you used our data and reporting tools. It generates reports instantly.”

Template 9: One-Liner

Avoid cliché one-liners and personalize your ending. It’s important to leave them with a lasting impression with a unique concept.

“Every week, more than a quarter (26%) of deadlines are missed due to a lack of clarity. However, using the appropriate project management tools might drastically reduce this figure. Can you afford not to utilize project management software in your company?”

Template 10: Mutual Understanding

“William Koch, I believe, is someone to whom we both have a connection. He’s one of our clients. By using our technology, his organization reduced the time it takes to build new software in half. Since your businesses are of a comparable magnitude, the outcomes will probably be the same. Interested in learning more about what we could do on his behalf?”

Template 11: Written Speech

Once you give your pitch, it produces a thought-provoking and lyrical flow. Because you’ll have to recite this pitch from memory, practice is essential to your game plan.

“Wendy here! Nice to meet you. Do you work for Apollo? I’ve heard good things. I heard you need project management assistance. Anyone in business—sales or suppliers—needs assistance managing tasks and teamwork. Without it, work may be a mess, particularly today. That’s why we built a software application that helps people and teams manage projects and communications. Have you considered utilizing anything similar?”

Template 12: The Advisor

“We’ve discovered that content marketing is a major challenge for fledgling B2B SaaS enterprises. We helped many of your colleagues produce, publish, and promote blog material last year, resulting in a 20% increase in leads. Want to know more?”

Template 13: Attention Grabber

“Have you ever been told to “whip up a short report before the day ends”? You say yes, but your heart sinks because it won’t be fast. As marketing professionals, my company’s founders had to deal with this issue repeatedly. So they built a program that consolidates data and generates reports in under 30 seconds.”

Template 14: Credibility Boost

“Every month, I speak with hundreds of marketers. And they despise writing reports. It’s tiresome, time-consuming, and not your priority. Our tool uses all your data to produce whatever report you want in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee.”

Elevator Speech For Every Situation

Let’s look at some of the best examples of elevator speeches. An elevator pitch may help you arrange your ideas and prepare for the real thing.

1. Formal Meeting

A presentation might be a terrific supplement to typical elevator speech examples. Whether or not you produce a presentation, the goal of this meeting is to sell your product professionally.

“I reviewed your existing productivity metrics and saw room for improvement. Our project management software may help you reclaim up to 10% of your workday. That means more work gets done, and more work means greater success for your company. Not to add, our product is the only one in the business with goal-setting features.”

2. Job Interview

Whether with HR, a recruiter, or a hiring manager, most interviews begin with “Tell me about yourself.” Preparing an elevator pitch may help you be ready when the chance arises.

“The most common instance is a networking gathering. Establishing friendships through video chat maybe even more difficult in the emerging virtual-first society. That’s why creating a great elevator pitch is critical regardless of where you’re presenting.”

3. Networking Event

“Hello, I’m Orai from Apollo Enterprises. Around the globe, we’ve improved team productivity and cooperation. Reach out if you need project management support. Let’s create a big influence on your organization. I’ll also have your contact details available.”

4. Sales Pitch

Professionals frequently use sales jargon, but the trick is to create a personal connection while selling softly.

“Our team struggled to become a remote workforce. People struggled to locate the right information and communicate effectively. But happily, we discovered a solution. Using project management tools enhanced cooperation and production. Every firm has its preferences, but I can vouch for our software’s ability to link objectives to the effort required to attain them.”

5. Virtual Meeting

“Thank you! I saw your competition exceed you year-over-year. I ran a quick competitive analysis and found no major flaws. How’s it doing with remote work? If you’re curious, I can give you some productivity gains from adding project management tools to your present workflow.”

6. Meeting With Business Owners

There are significant differences between pitching a firm owner and an executive. They’re more difficult to market since they’re wary of making additional financial commitments.

“I enjoy your company’s goods. And I fully support your objective. I realized there might be ways to boost internal productivity and cooperation. Do you use project management software? It might significantly influence company growth today or in the future.”

What are some tips for refining your pitch delivery, body language, and voice?

Master your pitch by crafting a clear and concise message, practicing confident delivery, and projecting your voice from your diaphragm. Use VR for realistic practice, mirror checks for body language, and feedback from others to refine your presentation and leave a lasting impression.

What should be the focus of a pitch to set yourself apart and hook people in?

The focus of a pitch should be on highlighting what makes you and your company unique, what is fascinating about your story, and what will captivate the audience’s interest and make them eager to learn more.

What role do eye-opening statistics play in a pitch?

Leverage eye-catching statistics to supercharge your pitch. They grab attention, build trust, and showcase your value. Data appeals to both logic and emotions, making your message persuasive and memorable. Highlight expertise and achievements with impactful numbers to resonate with your audience.

How can you identify your goal for the pitch and your ideal audience?

Before crafting your pitch, solidify your goal (promotion, awareness, sales?) and target audience (who benefits most?). Research their demographics, interests, and needs to tailor your message and maximize engagement.

What should you consider before writing a pitch?

Craft a winning pitch: Know your goal (promotion, awareness, sales?) and target audience (who benefits?). Tailor your message to their needs, highlight your USP, and answer “What’s in it for them?”. End with a question to spark conversation and connection.

When should you use an elevator pitch?

An elevator pitch is your versatile tool to showcase yourself, your product, or your idea in 60 seconds. Use it for investors, website bios, social media, book blurbs, management pitches, or job interviews. Be prepared to strike anywhere and leave a lasting impression.

What are the advantages of using an elevator pitch?

The advantages of using an elevator pitch include being well-prepared for networking events, reducing nervousness, and building confidence. With a practiced elevator pitch, you have a clear and concise introduction ready, eliminating awkward pauses and ensuring a professional and polished delivery. This preparation allows you to make a positive first impression on new contacts, speak confidently without stumbling over words, and initiate conversations effectively.

Why is having a clear call to action essential in a pitch?

A strong call to action (CTA) is your pitch’s closer. It tells the audience exactly what you want them to do next, whether it’s contacting you, trying your product, or learning more. A clear CTA guides them toward your desired outcome, boosting engagement and conversions. It sets you apart, leaving a lasting impression and making them eager to connect.

Why is asking a question at the end of a pitch important?

End your pitch with a bang: surprise, intrigue, and a thought-provoking question. This sparks curiosity, engages the audience, and opens the door for a deeper conversation. A well-crafted question can build connections and turn your pitch into a valuable dialogue, paving the way for future success.

How do you get your pitch right?

Shine in 60 seconds! Craft your elevator pitch by considering your goals, audience, and USP. Engage with a thought-provoking question, address pain points with solutions, and use statistics, social proof, and your experience to stand out. End with a clear call to action and leave them wanting more.

How and where can you practice delivering an elevator pitch?

Master your elevator pitch with Passage_1’s tips: practice delivery, try the Orai app, or find online simulations for feedback. Explore additional resources and start practicing today!

Key Takeaways

An elevator speech is a chance to show off your strengths and pitch your solutions. While it may sound nerve-wracking, using the 20 elevator speech examples above will help you develop your method.

This tutorial should have helped you learn how to remember a speech quickly. You may also get a free trial of Orai on the App Store. Start your free trial in the app store now.


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20 Unique Elevator Speech For Every Situation
An elevator speech gives you a chance to provide a fast rundown of who you are and what you do. It is useful for interviews or meetings. Read on!
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