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How to Present an Impromptu Speech: A Complete Guide to Ace Your Next Speech

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If you have ever participated in a debate, you will admit to having to stay on your toes for the whole presentation. You are meant to come up with new counter-arguments quickly without much time to prepare. Coming up with impromptu speech topics or presenting them can make people without glossophobia suffer from the fear of public speaking

We all know that you can’t read the mind of the impromptu speech topics generator, so you must understand the concept of impromptu speaking to ace your next speaking opportunity. I am here with a detailed guide to help you understand impromptu speaking and coming up with examples of impromptu speech topics examples.

 I am going to:

  • Help you understand the concept of impromptu speaking.
  • The structure and characteristics of impromptu speeches
  • Share funny impromptu speech topics and give examples of impromptu speech topics.
  • Talk about the disadvantages of impromptu speaking and more.

I can’t advise skipping any of these segments, as each will help you better understand impromptu speech topics. However, if you are already a pro at impromptu speaking, you can skip to the end, where I summarize all I have said and conclude.

What is the Definition?

The word impromptu means something done in the spur of the moment. As the word impromptu implies, an impromptu or extemporaneous speech is a speech a speaker delivers with little to no prior preparation. 

Here, someone assigns random Impromptu speech topics to speakers to think over for a few seconds and come up with relevant content. 

Impromptu speech topics are common during declamation contests, debates, public speaking courses, panel discussions, school, group discussions, and more. In debates, the Impromptu speech topics generator is usually the argument the opponent raises.

Impromptu speaking is a huge part of communication since we don’t have a speech structure when talking to colleagues and friends. Extemporaneous speech delivery is becoming more popular, so understanding and getting better will help you in different aspects of life.See this video: 


How to Deliver a Good Impromptu Speech?

impromptu speech topics

We have already established that impromptu speech topic presentations do not give you ample time to prepare (that is if they provide you with any preparation time at all). Sometimes, the need to present such extemporaneous speeches happens at defining moments in your career, like:

  1. When you have to fill in for a late or absent speaker at an event
  2. Being on a discussion panel and being hit with a question you did not anticipate or prepare for
  3. Self-introduction at networking events
  4. Interview by a reporter
  5. An unexpected question at a job interview
  6. When you give an idea in a meeting and face an unanticipated rebuff and suddenly need to defend your point further
  7. When someone refers to you mid-presentation for an input
  8. Having to give an unplanned toast at a company party
  9. Being pulled to provide an update in a meeting you were not originally part of
  10. When your boss suddenly asks you to give a speech at your goodbye party.

However, we all know that an excellent speech presentation requires presentation and ample practice. So, how do you deliver your impromptu speech topics presentation and excel at it without enough preparation time?

Sometimes, like debates or extemporaneous speech competitions, you may get time to brainstorm ideas and develop a structure. The judges will typically grade the result of the speech based on the balance between time spent talking and relevance.

So, how do you make your impromptu speech balance between time and relevance? How do you even create a worthy structure in little to no time? I will be answering these questions in the following subheading.

What Are Great Ways To Structure this Speech?

First, an impromptu speech requires an introduction, body, and conclusion, which I will discuss soon. How do you create a structure that includes these and still has an excellent delivery?

I have four tips to help you create a great impromptu speech structure.

Telling the Truth is Perfect

When mentally planning your impromptu speech, it’s best to choose impromptu speech topics that center around the truth. 

There is no need to exaggerate or develop a new scenario. Your brain already has difficulty figuring out perfect impromptu speech topics, so you do not need to add to the burden.

With impromptu speech topics, it is best to:

  • Stick to facts
  • Say what is valid at the moment.
  • Summarize and try to be better next time― if you feel you are at your wit’s end.

Choose Speech Topics You Know Very Well

Like every speech, impromptu speech topics are better focused on an area where you have a proper education. With other public speaking categories, it is easy for the presenter to run in-depth studies on topics they aren’t familiar with and prepare properly to give a spectacular speech.

The case is different for extemporaneous speaking since you do not have enough time to properly research your impromptu speech topic examples. Therefore, it’s best to stick with a topic in a field you have prior knowledge of. 

Sharing Personal Experience is Helpful

When you think of impromptu speech topics, it is best to center it around your personal experience, except you have a separate impromptu speech topics generator. Talking from experience doesn’t need special memory aids or research.

Understandably, we have limited experience as humans, so you may not have any experience with the assigned impromptu speech topic. The best thing to do here is to search your memory for any time someone has told you a story about it or when you read it in a book.

For example, if you were to talk about the meaning of life, you could share a near-death experience, a quote on it, a friend’s experience, or something you read in a book that made you question the meaning of life.

The best part of sharing from personal experiences is that you could try your luck with funny, impromptu speech topics.

When You Have Time to Practice, Do It Out Loud.

If you have enough time to practice, it’s best to practice aloud to make sense of what you are saying. One way to practice easily is by using the Orai app since it can give you feedback.

However, you can start practicing today to build confidence by

Picking a random topic and talking about it while you go about your daily routine
Find the right group and practice with them. 
Practicing with a speech coach or a professor at your school
Trying the Orai app in your free time

Check these videos out for help with public speaking:

Now that we have seen tips on creating an impromptu speech let us discuss proper structure. As I said earlier, the design of an impromptu speech includes:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body
  3. Conclusion

Creating a structure is essential because it helps organize your thoughts to avoid meaningless rambling and gives you a sense of direction. 


Start by addressing whoever called you up like a chairperson. Afterward, you could go for a one-line about your impromptu speech topic.

Next, share your honest feelings or opinions on your impromptu speech topic. It gives a form of background and serves as a great introductory point.


Shed more light on the topic. You can share an anecdote or tell a story related to the topic. Remember the four tips we spoke of earlier and keep them in mind. Here, you should:

  • Use two or three main points to discuss a central theme.
  • Use relevant supporting details like the stories we talked about earlier.

If you have no relevant story related to your impromptu speech topic, it is best to conduct a direct old-fashioned discussion or a question-and-answer section. 


The best way to end is to relate your story or discussion to your main point for relevance. You can also share final pointers as you round up. Remember to keep things simple and acknowledge the chairperson.

What are the Characteristics?

Most of the characteristics of impromptu speech topics center around its nature of spontaneity. Impromptu speeches are characterized by:

  1. Little to no preparation time
  2. Spontaneously organized points
  3. Short presentation time

How To Give A One-Minute Speech?

Giving one-minute speeches can be a scary ordeal. Combined with the sudden nature of an impromptu speech, it could be a nightmare. 

The easiest way to give an impromptu one-minute speech is to:

  1. State your point
  2. Share your reason for choosing your point.
  3. Give an example of your point.
  4. Bring it back and relate what you said to your main point.

Before you realize it, your one minute is up, and you can move on.

How do you give an imp impromptu speech within a minute?

impromptu speech topics

When you have your impromptu speech topic and want to present a speech within a minute, focusing on a single message is the best direction to follow. As stated in the previous section, keeping things around a point makes your speech more meaningful and impactful.

No matter how long your speech is, if you have a single message, it helps your audience remember what you said. 

Even if you want to present funny, impromptu speech topics, focusing on a central comedy theme is best. Too many aspects make it difficult to keep your speech within a minute.

It is also essential to remember that all the rules of impromptu speech presentation still apply here. One of the best ways to start a one-minute funny, impromptu speech topic presentation is by letting your audience know you plan to keep things short.

Remember to keep it simple and end with your core point (nothing too dramatic is necessary).

How Can One Improve Impromptu Speech?

How do you improve your impromptu speaking skills so they stop being the bane of your existence? I will share seven strategies you can apply to win in impromptu speaking.

  1. Anticipate possible scenarios where you must give an impromptu speech and prepare for it.
  2. Keep it simple by organizing your thoughts around a simple template. You can use the one-minute speech guide.
  3. Frame your speech as a Q&A section to help you direct your address.
  4. Storytelling is a speaker’s best friend.
  5. Try not to ramble and overstress a single point.
  6. Don’t set the bar too high. Try to improve within realistic standards.
  7. Practice for impromptu speech moments in your comfort zone. You can always consult orai to be your speech coach.

What Are Some Great Examples?

impromptu speech topics


Although it seems like I have only been referring to funny impromptu speech topics, there are numerous examples of impromptu speech topics.

So, funny impromptu speech topics aside, what examples of extemporaneous speech exist?

Persuasive Impromptu Speech Topics

  • The government should stop receiving foreign aid.
  • Painkillers should become prescription drugs.
  • Social media is creating sociopaths.
  • We learn the most outside the school environment.
  • Try making immigration laws more flexible.
  • Do churches need to pay taxes?

Debate Impromptu Speech Topics

  • Is being an adult as hard as young adults make it seem?
  • Does the end always justify the means?
  • Are government officials receiving more than their world?
  • Should plastic production completely stop?
  • Is democracy essential when everyone is apathetic?
  • Should schools stop having orthodox class sessions?

Personal Impromptu Speech Topics

  • Overcoming my worst fear
  • Things I cannot live without
  • The most important person in the world to me
  •  My favorite season
  • Why I will never go swimming again
  • What I fear the most about the future

Abstract Impromptu Speech Topics

  • Patience is a fool’s virtue.
  • Everything is beautiful to its soulmate.
  • The unity in factions
  • I got flowers today
  • The bane of my existence
  • Something worth more than gold

Humorous Or Funny Impromptu Speech Topics

  • Most awkward nickname
  • Making reality disappear
  • What is worse than always being broke?
  • Does normal exist?
  • Is laughter a better medicine than water?
  • Should you marry for love or money?

Here is an example of a funny impromptu speech topic presentation: 

Business Impromptu Speech Topics

  • How to improve return on investment
  • Can you decrease the cost of production for a higher profit margin?
  • Preventing financial fraud
  • Navigating unfavorable government policies
  • Getting the best internal auditor
  • Strategic solutions to e-marketing

Demonstrative Impromptu Speech Topics

  • Starting a blog and excelling at it
  • Applying for your dream job/ to your dream college
  • Improving your etiquette
  • Giving an impromptu speech in one minute
  • How to sell anything

Student’s Impromptu Speech Topics

  • What does Christmas mean to you?
  • Why do schools have dress policies?
  • My dream job opportunity
  • What I would do if I were invisible for a day
  • Why do earthquakes occur?

An example of an impromptu speech presentation is https://youtu.be/XS8IIjngJ8M.

What are some good mindsets to have?

Honestly, I believe the best mindset to face funny impromptu speech topics opportunities is with a positive attitude. It is best to anticipate all the possibilities of facing an extemporaneous speaking moment and prepare accordingly.

Do’s Don’t
Be as prepared as possible Ramble aimlessly or use filler words
Know what you plan to talk about precisely Be afraid to pass up on the opportunity
Determine your speech’s purpose and select a topic accordingly (do you need funny, impromptu speech topics?) Put yourself down by sharing how nervous you are
Practice as much as you can with stimulation exercises in your free time.  

What are the Disadvantages of an Impromptu Speech?

impromptu speech topics

What are the disadvantages of impromptu speech? Its nature alone is a disadvantage since it does not give you enough time to prepare. 

Other disadvantages of impromptu speeches are:

  1. There is no room to verify facts. 
  2. You cannot take back the words you say 
  3. It is a high-stress situation.
  4. It is possible to make numerous grammatical errors, but you can reduce the chance with enough practice.

Why is delivering an impromptu speech an important skill to have?

Delivering impromptu speeches, a critical skill for personal and professional settings, alleviates anxiety, fosters quick thinking, and enhances communication. Honing this skill through practice trains your brain to respond eloquently, equipping you to confidently navigate unforeseen speaking situations and making it an essential tool for life’s unpredictable moments.

How can impromptu speeches be practiced?

Impromptu speech practice involves various techniques: speaking on random slides for 30 seconds to improve quick thinking, receiving feedback to identify areas for improvement, self-evaluating through audio recordings to gain insights, and finally, enhancing spontaneous speaking abilities. These exercises simulate real-life scenarios, training your brain to think quickly and adapt, ultimately making you more confident and impactful in unexpected speaking situations.

What are some tips for giving an impromptu speech?

Master the art of impromptu speeches with this comprehensive guide! Start by clearly stating your main point, explaining your focus, and using a relatable example. Keep it concise and tie it all back for maximum impact. Anticipate scenarios, use simple templates, consider Q&A formats, weave in stories, avoid rambling, set realistic goals, and practice with tools like Orai. Be confident, impactful, and ready to speak on the spot!


As promised, I will give a summary of my main points. An impromptu speech is already high-stress without the additional tension you place on yourself. In these situations, a bit of knowledge proves truly helpful.

Some points to remember are:

  • Practice as much impromptu speaking as possible with random impromptu speech topics in your free time. It helps.
  • Stick to what is factual and correct to avoid unnecessary stress
  • Know the kinds of situations that may call for an impromptu speech and educate yourself on topics in that niche
  • Keep it simple and around a central idea.

I hope these tips help you, and good luck on your next impromptu speaking opportunity! Orai is an AI-powered speech coach that fits in your pocket and can help you with your needs for public speaking! Orai offers a customized learning experience based on your speech recordings and helps you learn new public speaking techniques. They provide instant feedback on your pronunciation, conciseness, and more! Start your free trial today!

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