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Youtube Contest Alert – Get Your Video on the Orai YouTube Channel!

I like building and growing simple yet powerful products for the world and the worldwide web.

Hey Orators!

We are excited to announce that we will be starting a new Youtube series! Check it out here. We will be uploading video content to help you become a kickass orator in any situation. Going forward, you will be able to view Orai’s video content both on our blog as well as on youtube. Additionally, we will also be releasing exclusive youtube only content like this one!


Here is the brief on the youtube contest:

Create a two-minute video on your go-to speaking tip. You have got to tell the Orai community why this tip is awesome and how to use it in real-world speaking scenarios. Your videos can be as simple as you talking into your mobile or web camera or as complicated as you can make it with Avengers like special effects. But it cannot be longer than two minutes. Videos must also be original content and not previously posted anywhere. You can make your video on any of the following categories:

  1. Speech writing and outlining
  2. Effective speech practicing
  3. Hand gestures
  4. Visual aids: presentations, props, whiteboard
  5. Starting a speech
  6. Ending a speech
  7. Meetings
  8. Presentations
  9. Leadership
  10. Storytelling

The winning video will be selected by the editorial team based on how informative, entertaining and actionable they are. Winners will get their videos featured on Orai’s Youtube Channel which will also be sent across to our community of 250,000 orators across the world. And will also win an Orai goodie bag.

To participate:

  1. Create a two-minute video
  2. Label the title with the topic name followed by your Orai user name and spaces separated by an underscore. Upload the recording on youtube as an unlisted video with the same name. (example: If I were submitting a video on speechwriting, an example file name would be: speechwriting_aasim)
  3. Click the button below to send in your submission. The button will take you to a google form where you can participate.

Submit your video by Monday, August 17th. Due to popular demand, we’re extending the deadline – you now have until August 21st to submit your entry. We’ll start announcing the winners on Tuesday, August 25th, and will release a new winning video on our YouTube channel every weekday until all the winners have been announced.

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